Sunday, November 27, 2011

We introduce Mr. Green

Lights flashed in all directions and an excited chatter filled the room. John was taken by the arm and brought into the room where he took his seat in front of the giddy press. He couldn’t help but feel a certain intimidation. He hadn’t been to England before but he was quickly realising that even in the lower leagues football was serious business here. Almost twenty journalists and many more associated individuals were in attendance.
The elderly man in the seat beside John stood up and a hush descended over the room. He waited. “I’m delighted to be able to have you all here today to introduce Mr. John Green to you. We’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have.” A flurry of hands flew up and the man picked one out.
A thin, greasy looking man stood up quickly, drawing a pen and pad from his pocket. Fumbling with this, he looked up and asked “Mister Green, you’ve had reasonable success across the pond with the Indiana State Llamas, winning the College championship, do you feel you’ve done enough to earn the manager’s job at Swindon Town Swoodilypoopers?”
Tough crowd. John swallowed and thought for a moment. Not because he needed to though, football is a psychological game and John needed to make an impression. He wanted to display himself as a contemplative, level headed tactician. He sat back in his chair.
“I’m here because of what I’ve achieved and what people believe I can achieve.”
The greasy man sat back down, a little disappointed with the answer. And so it continued like this for some time, journalists asking clichéd questions and John giving cryptic answers.
 Another journalist was chosen “The Swoodilypoopers, a former Premier League side have been on a steadily downhill trend over recent years with many bookies placing them amongst the scrap for survival in League 1, do you feel you can do anything but fight bravely against relegation? The line-up seems uninspired and going nowhere, what’s the long term plan?
John sat back in his chair for a moment. Maybe this would be a mistake. But he believed in himself and believed in human nature. Football is a game of hard work, determination and belief. Anything is possible with the right attitude. John stood up for emphasis and before he walked out he said in a low encapsulating voice.
“In three years we can be playing in the Premier League.”
Silence fell on the room. On the floor, someone thought about laughing.

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